Fleetville, Camp, Hill End, Marshalswick, Oaklands, Smallford, Cell Barnes, Cunningham, Ellenbrook, Granville, Beaumonts, Tyttenhanger

Updated: 5 February 2025

The "East End" reference harks back to 1912 when a prominent councillor, during a debate on the subject of enlarging the city's boundaries to take in Camp and Fleetville, likened the unfinished streets and general untidiness as similar to London's East End.

  • Uplifting East End Walks

    Alban Way: Abbey Station to Hatfield

  • Uplifting East End Walks

    Oaklands and the former Mansion

  • Uplfiting East End Walks

    Young and mature woodland at Highfield

  • Uplifting East End Walks

    Between Sandpit Lane and Jersey Farm

  • Uplifting East End Walks

    Clarence Park from dawn to dusk

  • Uplifting East End Walks

    Reflective time at Hatfield Road Cemetery

SAOEE blog

Street Plates 2

A second series of imaginatively produced street plates with informative background, placing their names in context. Four of them this time, include two earlier titles lost in time.

London Colney Secondary

Where were the teaching areas?

We are hoping to establish what the teaching areas were used for before the 1980 fire and before final school closure. Open the poster to find out more. Additional map and identification added on 25 June to blog post titled LONDON COLNEY SECONDARY SCHOOL dated 6 June.

Green district

Falling colours of autumn

Warm bronze Clarence Park; when Autumn begins we increase our footfall at the park to take advantage of the changed coloured before the leaves fall.

Green news

Green energy

We may not have sweeping landscapes of wind turbines, but they are here if you look for them. So too are ground-installed solar arrays – with sheep grazing among the panels.

Friday pic

A bomb dropped in

Surprise for nurses at Hill End when in September 1940 a bomb created light damaged to a hospital building. At the time all the usual caveats about location, however, were in place. Courtesy Herts Advertiser.

East end schools

SS Alban & Stephen School

Top class in one of the early years of Oakwood JMI School, Oakwood Drive.

100 Objects

Each object has a story to tell.

To bring large quantities of water from within the chalk water table required wind pumps, which were commonly found in the more exposed open spaces of farmland.


Nearly 60 books about St Albans

Many books have been written about St Albans. Not all are currently in print, however, but may be available from your local library. Each new book published is bound to be located on this page.

East End Maps

The groups of roads down to 1960.

How old is a road? Was it a track? Has its name changed over time? When was it first laid out? This is a quick reference guide to the growth of of where we all live.


Plenty of choice for you to explore

There are 25 pages of topics about the East End for you to discover, from districts to shopping streets, a turnpike and former hospitals, and a number of former factories of national renown – and of course shops.


but as yet no complete answers

Please help us to identify, fill in information or add images. Here, for example, we have a coach in tourist retirement, converted into a mobile shop by Mr Tolman, somewhere in Camp. But who was Mr Tolman?

Your turn

Adding your own contribution

If you would like to add your own personal recollections about this vibrant part of St Albans you can do so via Get In Touch. Meanwhile, why not see what others have already contributed via Your Turn.

The Green Ring


A walking and cycling route encircling the city, with many sections off-road. Here is the section each of the Midland Railway, but there are over 6.5 km of route in total.

The eastern Green Ring


At the light controlled crossing join the cycle path on the south side of Sandpit Lane parallel with the road.


At the lower end of St Saviour's View join Lemsford Road until the public path on the left after Eastbury Court.


Use the public path to cross the railway bridge to reach Jennings Road.


At the bottom of the first section of Jennings Road cross over Clarence Road to the longer section, passing Verulam School on the right.


At the junction with Woodstock Road North turn right over the brick table, travelling south.


Keep Brampton Road on your right and follow Woodstock Road South. Until reaching Hatfield Road the road width is narrow and parking is an issue.


At Hatfield Road use the light-controlled crossing to the Morrison's side. Cycle on the mixed use path in front of the store towards Sutton Road.


At the junction with Sutton Road use the road, passing Castle Road on your left.


Turn right off the road at the junction with Alban Way. Alban Way is a continuous cycle path as far as Griffiths Way, with a connection to the City Railway Station.

Local lottery


Fleetville Community Centre, Highfield Park Trust and Trestle Theatre are among groups who now have a fundraising local lottery page. We all have an opportunity to donate and hopefully win prizes.

St Albans District Community Lottery

New this Spring St Albans District Council has launched the St Albans District Community Lottery.

Already about twenty-five community groups are participating with their own page on


We choose our good cause.

Fleetville Community Centre
Highfield Park Trust
Trestle Theatre Company
among more than twenty others

Sign up and decide how many £1 tickets you wish to play each week. Click Play to discover all live causes. The full details are are provided on the website.

You decide how much you would like to help raise towards the community group's target. And there is always the possibility of winning a prize.


Birds Eye View


Time has marched on since this Google Earth photograph. Forward of Sandpit Lane are now seven named roads between Beaumonts and Oaklands.

Named roads in Oaklands Grange
Osprey Drive
Milvus Road
Kestrel Way
Falcon Way
Harrier End
Eagle Way
Peregrine Way

New Centre


The planning application for the new Centre was approved. The Council, however, has delayed the building project for one year and is expected to proceed in 2023-24. It will be built on the site of the present 1942 community centre building.

Bright new Centre on the starting blocks

The moment has almost arrived, when Fleetville will finally be in a position to remove the "temporary" 1942 building and instead show off a bright, modern and proud new community centre.

Recently added to the Council website Planning Pages is the full range of documents outlining the works for the new Fleetville Community Centre. It seems that the Recreation Ground will become very busy from this July – so that as much noisy dirty activity as possible will be undertaken during the school holiday.

At one time total closedown of the activity line-up had been anticipated until the new building opened. But now a portable building consisting of two rooms, entrance and toilets is to be brought in to a fenced off area behind the present building. It will sit next to the workers' compound. Pedestrian access to the portable building will be via Hatfield Road, near Beech Tree Cafe.

As expected today, a number of sustainable features are included in the new building, including a green roof, air source heat pump, rainwater harvesting and of course the highest standards of structural insulation.

Originally a start was slate for July 2022; then it was moved to September. The latest news from the front page of the Centre's own website indicates a further delay but no details are available.


Above top is the architect's drawing of the front (Royal Road) elevation nestling in a pocket of trees. Above is the spaces plan for the building, A larger version with description of the spaces appears on the Rec and Nursery page.

On the map below, the whole of the green sector on the right will be a busy work space for the construction. To the left of it, occupying recreation ground space, will be the contractors' compound, and the red block will be the temporary portable building permitting limited activities to continue during the coming year.

A new temporary pedestrian access leads to Hatfield Road.

Much anticipated by some will be the demolition phase and the opening up of the underground World War Two bomb shelters (tunnels), which several residents still remember.


Jersey Lane


The Greenspace Action Plans (GAPs) in our East End are produced by Countryside Management Service on behalf of Hertfordshire County Council. Following the significant GAP for Alban Way a similar GAP oversight is in place for Jersey Lane.

Bike shop times 3

Due to open in October 2022 in a new shop unit is TREK BIKES. See also panel titled Montague Close. With the increased popularity of cycling of all kinds it is unsurprising that this business has been added to those of BC Cycles adjacent to Grimsdyke Lodge and St Albans Cycles at St Brelade's Place. All now offer a wide range of repair, maintenance, service and insurance options – owning a bike is not the cheap option it used to be!
Photo courtesy VIC FOSTER.

Trek cycle shop
Trek joins Fleetville retail

An activity which enthuses the broadest spectrum of our local population for travel, leisure and sport. Perhaps gender, age and ethnicity might be better represented by cycle shops generally, not just the products they sell.

Found the shelters

History has recorded, through the recollections of living in Fleetville during the Second World War, the existence of tunnel shelters under the Community Centre and below the grass sward of the recreation ground.

Only one memory referred to brick street shelters in the road space of Royal Road, and that was not specific.

The publication of a series of RAF aerial photos in a flyover during 1946, now shows what appears to be a line of six such shelters on the left side of the roadway outside what used to be the wartime nursery and today is the community centre.

A larger version of the photograph appears on the Wartime East End page.

Shelters along Royal Road

Inside the orange rectangle can be seen a line of brick structures: six of them. The former nursery is at the left edge of the rectange.

Uplift at Royal Road

A detached house built for a general practitioner in the pre National Health days, was transformed into flats, and a small house was built in the garden. In a further extension of over development came recently when a truck arrived with another floor which was lifted onto the now-removed original roof. I'm not sure what nearby residents think of the addition, but it is certainly very different from the original Fleet House.

From two floors to three

Prefabicated in a factory and lifted from a loader which had backed into Royal Road. Image courtesy VIC FOSTER.

Yet More Fleetville Homes

Cape Road and Burleigh Road lead to the former branch railway (now Alban Way). When the early houses gave out the space beyond was utilised by W G Bennett, builders. During and after the Second World War the site was occupied by Kia-Ora Motors before becoming Pratts building suppliers, and then PSR building materials.

Now, proposals for 37 new houses and flats by developer Cresswick have been given planning approval. There has been some concern that the number of units is very tight for the footprint, and there is also a very limited amount of space for car parking.

Developed by Horace Slade

Councillor Horace Slade purchased the land c1900, which has spent all of its life as an industrial site.

Cape Road continued

You might have imagined the Cape road new homes you had heard about would now be completed, marketed and occupied. After all, most of us pass the site by as we walk, ride or motor along Hatfield Road. But building developments do sometimes falter, and the part completed estate on the former PSR Building supplies site adjacent to Alban Way came to a pause and the development, partly finished, is up for sale.
We can see what it it will look like when complete, but for now all we can do is to inspect Watling Real Estate, website, for plans, architect's images and a downloadable brochure.

Viciniti in Fleetville

... at some time in the future. Image courtesy WATLING ESTATES.

A meeting of Sanders – and Moons

Fleetville Diaries, the local history people, hosted a magnificent celebration of two related families: descendants of Frederick Sander, the "Orchid King", and descendants of Henry Moon whose exquisite paintings of the orchids Sander bred were published in four massive tomes.

Sander & Moon Tribute Day

The result of Fleetville Diaries' project to renovate the family plot of the Sander/Moon families, was seen by eighty invited guests to Hatfield Road Cemetery and members of the Moon and Sander families.

Old Electricity Works

Final approvals have now been given to the Campfield Road site which once housed the city's first electricity works (1908), of which the locally listed frontage remains. The proposals, which had progressed through several iterations, include adaptations to the frontage building, and new blocks of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom flats on the former generating plant ground to the rear.

The site has Sphere Industry on the east side and is surrounded by the former Herts Advertiser HQ (now Phoenix House), Apex House, Centurian Court and Baker's Close.


Courtesy David Gaylard.

The "Sparks" development

Work has begun on the frontage building of the former electricity generating works in Campfield Road.

This might be a Tyttenhanger group

Peter has a copy of this photograph of a very casual-looking group, and he suspects this was a cricket team raised from the residents of Tyttenhanger Green, or perhaps from staff working at Hill End Hospital. Cell Barnes Hospital is discounted as the date of the picture is c1930, a few years before the opening of Cell Barnes Colony. One man has tentatively been identified as Henry Eames (front row centre).

Test Eleven?

Somehow this does not look like a football team. so let's think cricket. Is there anyone you might recognise?

Fleetville streetscapes

The ladder roads in Fleetville are surprisingly far from the same, although they were largely the estate of one man in the pre World War One period. There is a mix of narrow detached, semi-detached and small terraces. There is a sense in there being no typical streetscape in the formerly named Slade Building Estate. But they are certainly popular residences.

Sandfield Road west

Most plots were the original landlord's choice, but there were later infills too where 1920s and 1930s homes were added to the mix by their owners.

Second editions under way

Did you miss the opportunity to grab a copy of either or both volumes of the first editions of St Albans' Own East End? Perhaps you borrowed a copy from a library, or hoped a friend or relative might offer you a copy as a birthday or Christmas gift? Or maybe you've made much of your patience and are sitting it out in hope.

Welcome news

Preparations are well under way on second editions, including new content. Keep an eye on this panel for updates.

Coaching trips

Coaches everywhere take parties, groups and individuals to a variety of venues and destinations; even to and from employment, school and college. Even the most basic of daily school journeys use vehicles with a plush spec normally reserved for travel overseas.

Plush sixty years ago would have meant a vehicle such as this. Do you recall travelling in such a vehicle?

Leisure travel in the fifties

Albanian (then Premier Albanian), Brunts, Reg's, New Green's Travel, Crain's... Only later came Club Cantabrica and PPH Hire. Remember any others?

Highfield Park Trust 25

Highfield Park Trust has now celebrated its 25th anniversary, taking on the role of managing the former parkland of Hill End and Cell Barnes hospitals in 1996. Tim Abbott, Chair of HPT, stated, " In one sense 25 years is a long time, but in another it really isn't. We have done well but we must keep developing in order to reach our full potential."

Celebrate 25

Mayor Edgar Hill and Caroline Hill, Daisy Cooper MP and Trust Chair Tim Abbott at the celebratory gathering. Photo Highfield Park Trust.

We went to the Odeon Cinema

The fourth full cinema on this site, and the third building, currently the only remaining full-time film theatre in the city. Visit the Odyssey to witness today's comfort.

We went to the Chequers Cinema

First opened on the site of a former brewery operation in Chequer Street, the Chequers was the only cinema in the centre of St Albans.

We went to the Gaumont Cinema

The only cinema east of the Midland Railway and therefore in the East End, the Gaumont (formerly called the Grand Palace) was in the otherwise residential Stanhope Road.

Early Camp memory
Mr Gear's shop

Now number 155 Camp Road the above house was once a general store and post office, first opened by Thomas Gear in the first decade of the 20th century. Mr G Trottman then took over. Are there any photographs of number 155 as a shop?

Early Marshalswick
Commemorative trees

The residents' association for the formative Marshalswick estate around The Ridgeway west, purchased a number of flowering almond trees for planting in the roadside verges during the Festival of Britain year, 1951. Apparently 112 were acquired. Was there a significance to this number, or was it simply the number that could be accommodated or afforded along the roads which were planted?

Early school journey
School goes to the Gower

Mr Belcher, a teacher of Fleetville School, took a group of children to Port Eynon, on the Gower, in June 1955. If you were in that group, please tell us all about your trip. We know that the return journey was delayed by a rail strike, and it seems likely there was much confusion in the attempt to keep the school and the parents informed.