BACK ROW L-R: Norman Johnson, Cyril Weatherer (Manager), Charlie Kitchener, Clifford Anderson, Michael Williams, ? , ? , Roger Green
FRONT ROW L-R: Keith Chalkley, Brian Weatherer, Roy Day, Greg Evans, ? , Roy Martin
No members of the team have so far been identified. Perhaps, with one or two names it might be possible to guess the year.
BACK ROW L-R: Glenn Rodford, M Edrich, Michael O'Gorman, Jane Kember, M Prendergast, Brian Farrell, Linda Perkins, Neil Parsons, Francs Spokes, Keith Pearcey
SECOND ROW L-R: Jane Henman, Brian Rodford, Cathy Ryan, Peter Ward, David Hunt, Colin Bridges, Chris Gautier, Jill Spicer, Arnold Jeffares, Margaret Ross
FRONT ROW L-R: Derek O'Connor, Ruth Shaw, T Quinn, Barbara Hauser, Patrick Campbell, Pamela Farrow, Kevin Hilliard, Sally Towler, John Harris, Lynne Jones
Updated October 2023.
There were four Houses: Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa. No-one has been identified, but it seems clear that Canada House won a trophy.
This would have been the first peace time camp.
BACK ROW L-R: Mr Holditch, Mr Hawksworth, Mr Luxembourg, Mr Lindup, Mr Bowen, Mr Finnett, Mr Danter, Mr Rayner, Mr Moon, Mr Waghorn, Mrs Younger, Mr Wright
SECOND ROW L-R: Mr Chapman, Mr Hodgkinson, Mr Bilk, Mrs Wright, Mrs Chamberlain, Mrs Simmons, Mrs Ireland, Mr Humphries (Head Teacher), Mr Costain (Deputy Head), Mrs Wykes, Mrs Taylor, Mr Coxall, Mr Longbone, Mr Childs
FRONT ROW L-R: Mr Eames, Mr Speed, Mr Butler, Mr Evans, Mr Berridge, Mr Cafferay, Mr Hope
Photo courtesy Andy Lawrence.
A 1939 picture from Hatfield Road Boys' School in the year after many of its younger pupils transferred to the new Beaumont Boys' School. Though "out of area" some of these students may have lived in the Camp or Fleetville districts.
Photo courtesy Brian Butler.
BACK ROW STANDING L-R: Brian Griffiths, unknown, Brian Butler, unknown, unknown, Malcolm Gower, …. Crawley, unknown, unknown …. Harris, unknown
FRONT ROW STANDING L-R: unknown, Roger? Miles, David Woodhead, unknown, Roger Wilkinson, Victor McKay (partly hidden), unknown, Roger Spooner, Keith Cavill, ….. Fletcher, Graham Sanford
SEATED L-R: David Scott, unknown, Paul Hands, unknown, Christopher Rice, unknown, unknown, ….. Hislop, unknown ….. Root, Anthony Hay
We are now more than halfway there!
Updated June 6th 2020.
Updated July 3rd 2020
Photo courtesy The Herts Advertiser.
The photograph above was taken on the front playground. At the beginning of the Second World War the Sea Cadets trained at the school before moving to new headquarters at Verulamium. One recognisable face in the centre of the middle row , is teacher Mr A Coxall, who was also a Special Constable. He also arranged experience visits to Portsmouth naval and marine bases. We also know that A C Tuck is also in the same row. One other officer, un-named is also in both pictures. The shoes worn in the photo below suggest this might have been a Cadets cross-country team, a picture possibly taken at the Hatfield Road end of the front field.
Photo courtesy Alistair Robertson.
BACK ROW L-R: Walter Costain (Deputy Head), 3 Roger Messer, Mr Crain (coach driver) far right
FRONT ROW L-R: Philip Jones (second from right), Alistair Robertson (far right), both in black school blazers.
Do any other photos exist of this or other trips to Somerset, Snowdon, Portsmouth, France?
Photo courtesy Jean Smith.
It is the teacher who has been recognised first; her name is Miss Tucker.
BACK ROW L-R: Beryl Seabrook, ? , Daphne Spicer, ? , ? , ? , ? , Margaret Martin
SECOND ROW L-R: Ursula Tyrer, ? , ? , Jean Pryke (Smith), Vera Warren ? , ? , ? , Joan Dougleish, ? , ? , Rosetta Thompson
FRONT ROW L-R: Barbara Cranfield, ? , Betty Kent, Edith Shadbolt, Miss Tucker, Maureen King, Jean Shepherd, Pat Knight, Margaret Martin. Note: Margaret Martin has been named twice!
Photo courtesy Jean Smith.
BACK ROW L-R: ? , Ursula Tyrer, ? , Daphne Spicer, Miss Ellis (head teacher), Jean Pryke (Smith), Beryl Seabrook, ? , ?
FRONT ROW L-R: ? , ? , Edith Shadbolt, Betty Kent, Margaret Martin, Jean Dougleish.
This is possibly a prefects line-up with their head teacher.
BACK ROW L-R: Mary Grosvenor, Doreen Blanks, Rosemary Henderson, Jill Sinclair, Mary Silbery, Janet Chalinor, Sylvia Reeves, Pat Saunders, Dorothy Hicklin
THIRD ROW L-R: Gill Bracey, Jean Myers, Sheila Rowntree, Anne Reece, Audrey Skeet, Josie Lincoln, Anita Gatehouse, Ann Hutchinson, Janet Hathaway, [teacher]
SECOND ROW L-R: Jeanette Cunningham, Pauline Scott, Diane Browning, Jill Driscoll, Gloria Batson, Marion Howe, Pauline Morris, Sheila Smedley, Julie Baskerfield, Linda Peters
FRONT ROW L-R: Betty Rowe, Carol Morgan, Irene Robson, Sylvia Lovatt, Pat Dollymore, Valerie Craddock
The picture was taken in one of the quadrangles of the original building.
In the 1950s science teacher Alf Childs constructed a stage lighting control panel above the stage in the upper hall of the original building, formerly the girls' school hall.
L-R: Derek Balser, Roger Lane, Bob Browell, David Britten
On the school journey to Somerset in 1958, a group visit to the Weston Super Mare beach in full school uniform!
L-R: Colin Hunter, David Kiff, Stephen James, Mr Costain, Mike Neighbour, Roger Edwards, John Wells
L-R: David Hawkins, Michael Turnbull, David Berridge, David Scott
Photo Mike King.
This production of Sweeny Todd in 1955 was produced by John le F Dumpleton.
Photo Graham Lines.
This visit to Wales, based at Aberystwyth, was in 1958. The original was in colour but has been reproduced here in monochrome to help identify faces more readily. Only one identified member of the party so far: BACK third from left is Graham Lines.
Photo Stephen Spary
BACK ROW L-R: Stephen Bryant, Patrick May, Stephen Spary, Michael Mercer, Paul Brignall, Tommy Stewart, Peter Hearn, Hadyn Wigg, Terry deFrancesco, Mick Inglis.
MIDDLE ROW L-R: Geoff Knight, Sandra Mortimore, Angela Vokervitch, Sandra Newman, Christine James, Chris Houghton, Peter Toop, Chris Moore, Linda Hunt, Sheila Murray, Lesley Brookfield.
FRONT ROW L-R: Corina Craven, Gillian Purkiss, Josephine Loudon, Pamela Fryatt, Christine James, Christine Matthews, Heather Gabler, Elizabeth Tebbit, Jane Pryke, Anne Windsor.
Photo Stephen Spary
BACK ROW L-R: David Nixon, Ralph Terry, John Cunningham, Barbara Gayle, Alan Littlechild, Tony Alman, David Mercer, Karn Cheung, Don Fraser, Patrick May, Terry de Francesco, Jeremy Billington, Peter Sadler, Peter Toop, David Blundell, Stephen Spary.
MIDDLE ROW L-R: Nick Bathurst, Chris Sealy, Vince Cuiffa, Josephine Louden, Stephen Luck, Steve Hutchings, Hadyn Wigg, Chris Moore, Sandra Newman, Christine Matthews, Corinna Craven, Sandra Mortimore, Susan Cleaver, Jackie Tooley, Abdus Choudhury, Mick Inglis.
FRONT ROW L-R: Carol James, Honor Craven, Christina Taylor, Michelle Knight, Jagdish Dedi, Kee ?, Derek Rodford, Vic Chapman, Percy Younger (Sixth Form tutor), Gerald Law, Valerie Hawkins, Clive Berry, Mick Ferrell, Jane Dyason, Magnus Gunnerson, Mick Mercer.
Not in photo: Paul Brignal, Nigel Wilkins, Richard Arthur, Lesley Brookfield, Lawrence Wood, Gillian Stanistreet.
Details updated March 1921.
Photo Raff Cirillo Collection
There are two connections we can make with other photographs on this page. The school had grown from the staff numbers in around 1938 to those required to service the same school in 1959, although at the beginning the boys' school only occupied the ground floor. Second, three staff in other pictures are shown here and we can compare their likely ages! This picture is taken in one of the two quadrangles of the original building.
THIRD ROW L-R: ? , R Bilk, J Dumpleton
SECOND ROW L-R: Walter Costain, ? , ? , ?, ? , ? , ? , ? . ?
FRONT ROW L-R: Alfred Childs, possibly Mr Longbone, ? , Mr Mitchell, ? , Norman Hodgkinson, Arthur Cox
We know that Mr Childs was there when the school opened, because he was named among the staff who welcomed an evacuated school from London the following year. Mr Costain, too, was a founder staff member who came with the senior department from Colney Heath Elementary School.
The period 1939 to 1942, and to a lesser extent 1943 to 1945, Beaumont School had an evacuee connection with Haverstock Hill School, Camden.
© 2024 St Albans' Own East End Mike Neighbour